Kaitlyn Graham ’23

Kaitlyn Graham '23
Hometown: Hendersonville, N.C.
Degrees: UNC Charlotte ‘ 23, B.A. Middle Grades Education
Favorite Spot on Campus: The Student Union and Mebane/CHHS quad–that was where I spent a lot of time as a student, and I love how busy it is with students going to and from where they need to go (plus, we can’t forget the iconic Craver Road phrase)!
What makes Charlotte great to you?
The thing that stood out to me as I toured campus and experienced all throughout my college career is that there truly is a place for every person to belong. No matter your background, you can find a sense of home and community on campus!
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
“Love on Top” by Beyonce
If you were an expert in something besides admissions and higher education, what would it be?
Survivor knowledge – I binged all of Survivor during the pandemic and know the show from the first episode to the newest season!
What’s your favorite thing about the city of Charlotte?
There’s always something going on or something new popping up, plus there are so many neighborhoods and areas to explore!
What’s your one piece of advice for students?
Find your people and everything else will fall into place! When I started joining student orgs on campus and forming friendships with people in my clubs and in class, it made the big city and campus feel a lot less big and more like home.