4 Tips for Remote Learning

2020 was a unique year in many ways. For students accustomed to studying in a traditional classroom, online courses can present their own learning curve.
The following tips will help you maintain productivity and focus to make the most of your remote learning experience this year!
1 – Create Your Environment
Create an environment that fosters your learning experience, not one that hinders it!
Avoid making your bed your classroom and workspace. Obviously, you want to be comfortable, but you don’t want to be so cozy you fall asleep. Try utilizing a desk or table!
Treat your online and hybrid courses just like your traditional in-person courses. Set aside time for class and time after each session to study or prepare for assignments.
2 – Stay Organized
Learn your class times and how they flow with the rest of your schedule. Build-in small breaks to ensure you have time in between classes for yourself.
Set reminders for upcoming deadlines! Find what works best for you to keep up with assignments and exams. You could use Google Calendar, your phone, or sticky notes– whatever helps!
Create a routine and stick with it. Try to get up on time and work during normal school hours to help maintain a sense of normalcy and efficiency.
3 – Stay Engaged
Minimize distractions! Put your phone on do not disturb, close unnecessary tabs, and tune into your professor during class time.
Participate during class! Make an effort to ask questions or contribute at least once to a discussion during each session.
Follow your course syllabus to know what to expect with each class session. Most professors will include lecture topics, reading benchmarks, assignment deadlines, and more.
4 – Ask for Help
Set up an appointment to meet with your professors. These appointments could be held on Zoom during what is known as office hours (which differ for each instructor), or simply email them and ask to meet with them one-on-one.
Also, feel free to reach out to your other classmates! It may seem awkward at first, but your classmates are a great resource for asking questions or clarifying information.
Utilize on-campus resources like the University Center for Academic Excellence (UCAE) which offers tutoring services and various workshops that can be helpful for students. Many of these tutoring resources will be held online this fall – so convenient!
For specific help with internet access, remote learning tools such as desktop and laptop computers, and software downloads, please view these FAQ’s from our ITS department.
We are looking forward to seeing our students on campus and back in the classroom soon. We hope these four tips will help you be successful with online learning this spring!