Kaitlyn Kubacki ’17

Kaitlyn Kubacki '17
she, her, hers
Hometown: Albemarle, N.C.
Degrees: UNC Charlotte ‘ 17, B.S. Business Administration in Management
Favorite Spot on Campus: Sitting at a table by Colvard listening to the waterfall while drinking coffee
What makes Charlotte great to you?
The growing campus. Our academic programs. The opportunity for research and internships. The faculty and the real world experience they bring to class.
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
“I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday” by Leona Lewis
If you were an expert in something besides admissions and higher education, what would it be?
Picking out the Christmas tree (and decorating) for the White House and Rockefeller Center.
What’s your favorite thing about the city of Charlotte?
The opportunities that it offers our students and alumni for jobs, internships, co-ops, etc. The restaurant variety is not bad either. 🙂
What’s your one piece of advice for students?
Admissions advice: Apply early! Advice for new members of Niner Nation: Get involved on campus!